Benefits of Being a Minimalist - Informative


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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Benefits of Being a Minimalist

Benefits of Being a Minimalist 

Being a Minimalist
most people are busy being busy addicted to interruption and distraction. I want you to see yourself as a minimalist.
want you to close the escape routes so,that you do not get caught up in being busy being busy little shots of dopamine to make you feel batter in the moment but,not really doing anything that matters.

If you look at the great artists you look at the great business builders look at the great scientists these people blocked out all escape hatches that would allow them to get it caught up in the thick of thin things and the trivialities that so many people are attracted to and I want you to close them down and I want you to start thinking about going minimalist do few

things really really well Zuckerberg his hoodie Steve Jobs is turtlenecks so many creative superstars what do.
They do they have uniforms that's about going minimalist they don't have to exercise their cognitive
bandwidth every morning when they're.
Well of focus and willpower is full they just put on the uniform they don't waste any energy don't waste any willpower don't waste any thinking on what they need to wear that's an example of going Mentalist even in your work rather than releasing 1,000 mediocrities being the business of focusing on one masterwork

maybe it's every year,maybe it's every,four years like Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel ceiling for years focused on the ceiling it damaged his eyes it

hurt his back yet he made history. If you look at some of the great restaurants on the planet like Piazza Duomo in Alba Italy there's only six tablesnot thousands of tables six tables .
So they can dial in the user experience and create magic.

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