Before go to sleep - Informative


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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Before go to sleep

Before go to sleep 

Before go to sleep
Many people go to bed stressed and they wake up worry’s find that’s a big problem in today society because we are not thinking good about yourself, we are not feeling good, and if we are not feeling good, then we are not doing good.


 So what I want to teach you is how to control your thoughts. And program your mind much like you would program a very high efficient powerful computer. You are already thinking yourself something that has programmed you. You have been exposed to program, in essence hypnotized. Since you exited the your mother. You have been expose to programming not only by society ,not only by religion not only by advertiser, not only by your peers, your parents but also by yourself. If you picture this, you are walking into the school and you have a test to take that day.  Your teacher that told you that it we going to be the most difficult test you ever taken, so now you have that in your mind, you have create that thought, and your thinking yourself no matter how much you study, you are destined to fail. Unfortunately a lot of people are sending those messages to other people outside of there remain. It is time to control this to eliminate that external program and to learn how to start programming ourselves. To start thinking batter so we start feeling better. To start feeling batter so we start acting batter. So I want you to follow along with me for a moment.

If you can take your hands clasp them together take your two index fingers and put them just like that in a moment I will count forward one up to three I want to you do three things

Hypnosis is just a natural altered zone focus state

Separated your two index fingers and look at them and try to listen your heart beat. When you do you are going see something absolutely amazing happen. Separate your finger look at theme they are going to touch. Imagine what it would be like, were two rubber band attached to your fingers putting them to Attached to your fingers pulling them closer and closer together, imagine what it would be like for magnate to be attached to your fingers pilling them closer and closer together until they touch. This space between your fingers gets smaller and smaller. It may happen slow, it may happen fast, but when your fingers touch you can take them apart they will actually touch faster the second time. Watch as if happen now. If that work for you, you have just been hypnotized. Hypnosis is just a natural altered zone focus state and I am going to teach you. Now how to use it effectively and efficiently.   

At night as we follow sleep we go into a natural zone stat, a natural receptive state, and just like this exercise you just did. Where you thought about something and it happened. You see your thoughts become congruent will growing with your body function and actions. The same thing is true, at night when you fall in sleep. When you fall sleepy you go into a nature receptive state. Let’s use that receptive state for the last five minutes, at last five minutes as you are falling in sleep at night of worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow or being anxious about what is going to happen next week.

feeling batter and thinking batter

I want you to think of what you would like to accomplish to be batter. I did like you to make little movie in your mind of what the ideal you would we like. Now if the ideal you sounds a little intimidating just think about that what you want tomorrow to be like, how you want tomorrow to go. Just practice this, try it out make it natural. For when you fall a sleep at night make a little movie in your mind of how you want  tomorrow to go or how you want to be ideal yourself hypnotize yourself to being batter, doing batter, feeling batter and thinking batter.


So I want to tell you today when you do this exercise and you make it a nightly natural, you noticed with in about two weeks you start to feel more empowered, more inspired, more confident, more motivated and, more productive. Maybe you will we getting better grades, maybe you will be making more money it will be a positive change in your life thank you.  


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