This is why we are not wake up in the morning - Informative


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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

This is why we are not wake up in the morning

This is why we are not wake up in the morning.


When people wake up in the morning and they can't get out of bed and they never get out of bed and over and over they repeat it. I'll tell you why it's done, Because they can predict the emotion from anything will happen in their lives and their body rests in the ordinary and their mind  says them same thing  for "Another day from the same"  but you remember when you were kids and you would go on a trip what happened then? You were awake, dressed and ready to leave before your parents woke up. Do you know why it is happen Because you knew something unexpected would happen That's  same pattern is devolved in our mind  how we have to live our lives. To wake up knowing that we have to wait for the unexpected and something out of the ordinary will happen in our lives which will be the result of our efforts and these are precisely the moments when something starts to happen and then we will begin to prove to ourselves how much power we have.

Day of energetic morning


Spend some time in the morning, in the afternoon. and the rest of the day and check yourself at specific times to see if you still have this action and if not, stop for a while, raise your energy, and keep going. If you do this again and again you will be less confused, impatient and critical. All this will belong to the past and you will become another human being. When you finish a meditation and get up ... and you're exactly the same as you started before nothing has happened, no neurological, biological, chemical, hormonal or genetic change in your body and mind. You are in exactly the same situation but when you get up and feel it an uplifted version of yourself and your heart is open and you have a clear picture of your future and your energy is different ...

well now  the question is for how long you can maintain this status, you actually transmit a new electromagnetic signature in this state thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic and the way we think and feel is that we transmit in the field and that, we transmit in the field is an experiment with destiny.

So when you meditate you are disconnected from the outside world and relax your body and it feels nothing and you don't think about your schedule, your past or your future, and as I told you that time you define yourself by your thinking and make your inner world more true, beautiful, stable and committed and build up your inner voice than the outside. When you open your eyes and see yourself in the world then your job (in other words your work) is to not react emotionally in the same situations of your life, because what time you do it you become the same as you are, and you are back in the past.

Early wake up effects


so when you get into trouble and move away from this situation then you stop, sit down and find your way back You start to tune in and change your energy again. Now.. the example is, When I'm in a change in my life or I want to create a specific evolution i like to wake up early in the morning, because then I'm in my forks. I'm the guy who wakes up at 4.30 in the morning, I work the rest of the day but i love to wake up in the morning to change to work and have time for me and, I believe when I invest in myself that mean i invest in my future, and at this time in my breakfast no one bothers me because then it's my time, and because of brainwaves and brain chemistry the door between the conscious and the subconscious is more open.

So when I wake up early and I am in the middle in the positive power of my brain and a confident, powerful, calm mental state, i don't need to work so hard, i don't think, I'm just calm in the moment and in the afternoon I always ask myself how do I do it what a life it was in a day. when did i get in trouble, what happened? So when I look to see how I reacted to someone or something or, when I made a choice when I could do one much better then my earlier state. 

well it is very natural at that time and situation usually we all do that, we all start thinking if something like that happens again, how will it
after reading this think that,
This is why we are not wake up in the morning. thanks.


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