Positive thoughts success achieve goals dreams focus future - Informative


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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Positive thoughts success achieve goals dreams focus future

 Positive thoughts success achieve goals dreams focus future 


what I'm about to say for a moment stop and focus on me because I'm here to change how you think that is my goal today,  your future is most important today than. It's tomorrow because it is the actions you are take today that will determine, what the future is going to look like for you. The least we can do is consider what we have done and think about the future and individually collectively do the best we can to try and turn this thing around.

I blame no one is look in the mirror on the other side of it. what an opportunity we have because tomorrow is the very first day of  rest of our lives. we make decisions that will profoundly influence. The lives of the people we are going to become and then when we become those people were not always thrilled with the decisions. we made so young people pay good money to get tattoos removed that teenagers pay good money to get middle-aged people rushed to divorce. The people who young adults and rush to marry older adults work hard to lose what middle aged adults worked hard to gain on and on and on.

Now here the question is why do we make decisions that our future selves? so often regretted following your dreams is a lonely solitary scary dangerous pursuit. Nobody knows what you are even sometimes you do not really even know, what you are you got to take your shot and you got to do it alone but, if you do not believe nobody else is gonna believe you can not wait for somebody to think you can do it its a lonely scary dangerous pursuit and, you got to be willing to risk everything to become that seed of what you believe you fit in there got to be fearless, you got to be relentless, everyone you wants to achieve success in your life and live a comfortable life. So what you will do differently to help you achieve this do these four things.
I am talking to share with you and you will create a future for yourself not just for tomorrow but, for your whole life and whole future. you think about that each and everything the one you envisage because you cannot attain more than your own highest aspirations. 1 make your life more meaningful by having a purpose the truth is success is not the goal or destination, it's a mindset you take on to achieve your goals to achieve this winning mindset, you must have a very strong sense of will  power. A strong sense of why a strong sense of purpose, the purpose is that strong sense of why the resolve that. you keep going when nothing else makes sense the purpose that kept, Abraham Lincoln going after he lost every single election he contested the same purpose that kept Oprah Winfrey going after being told she was not fit for the television news it's the same purpose. That kept Walt Disney going after an editor told him that he lacked imagination and had no good ideas purpose is what keeps you going find, your purpose because this is the only thing that will be left when everything else fails the battle is not between you and, the world the battle is between you and your mind. when you have a purpose you represent an idea; you represent possibilities to take it upon yourself, to learn and grow in knowledge you must feed your mind.

Focus future 



whatever you do ensure that you are feeding your mind with positive thoughts by far the best investment you can make is in yourself. If you invest in yourself nobody can take it away from the more you learn, the more you earn. The average person that has reads 12 books a year and the average successful CEO reads 60 books a year. Do you see what sets them apart those who read and expand their knowledge make better more informed decisions today a leader, tomorrow a leader, now you must understand that books may not always have a solution to your problems but, when you think about it they do have a guide to helping you deal with your situations this is because of people. who have been before you note down their experiences and pitfalls you can avoid when faced with certain decisions learning is not attained by chance it must be sought for with diligence and tenacity of purpose.So learn every day, learn something new every day ,prepare your mind for opportunities it is better to be prepared for an opportunity, and not have one than to have an opportunity, and not be prepared the life is a journey, and not a destination as you go along this journey called life. You will have to learn unlearn and re-learn the things you learn will either influence you negatively or positively.
Remember that you are the one who will make that choice.

Start taking massive action




Start taking massive action and never stop at the end of your feelings is nothing but at the end of a principle and set actions is a reward I'm going to say it again. At the end of your feelings is nothing but at the end of a principle and set actions is a reward putting that into perspective it's not easy being. A high performance individual but at the end of taking action lies a reward do not just take action but take massive action, do what you know must be done. Even when you do not feel like it because in the end. I promise you, it is always worth it sometimes you are going to win and sometimes you are going to lose and, when you win it would feel good  But you know what's better it is knowing that you have not achieved anything even after hitting your set goals. So you delve deeper into creating more goals life is way too short to take it slow people say you only live once but in reality you live every single day and you get to die once. so why live an unfulfilled life get up and live every day with purpose own your failure like you do your success no you are solely responsible for your life and realize this is the only way to get ahead as JK Rowling put it climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself but poverty. Itself is romanticized only by fools be responsible for yourself and act in the now not tomorrow not the day after now.
There is never a good time to make a hard decision never.

Choose your friends wisely
Choose-your friends-wisely
Choose-your friends-wisely

choose your friends wisely stop wasting your time on meaningless things, regulate your social media limit, your social hangouts choose friends who after you have spent an evening out you can go yes. I learned something new I have gotten added value to my life a lot of times friends will always bring meaningless. Things and distractions this may be seem an easy way for distract yourself from your thinking from the realities of this world it. However does not take the realities of life away the reality that life is hard and to move up. In life you must step in these distractions will always be in your way especially those easy usual things, you would rather do instead of focusing on new challenging and meaningful projects.
Learn to focus on what is most important write a list of time wasters and hold yourself accountable not to do them a large part of time wasters come from the company. You keep when you sit with friends ask yourself is what I'm doing? here going to lead me to where I want to be in life. If you be in life if you can honestly answer that question then you would know what step to make next understand that, when you decide to think about your future and make a change most of the people around, you will not immediately support your new ambition. Most would want you to remain the same remember you're doing this for yourself you're looking to live a more fulfilling life with purpose you are looking to be happy so if you must then let them go this is about you and not about them.

Next is, you have to surround yourself with people who are living their life with purpose, people who teach you and inspire you to grow, people who when they have their backs against the wall, they say no I'm not going to quit and go back to the way i was. I'm going to keep fighting yes, I may fail but I will not accept not trying at all these are the kinds of friends that will help mold a better future. Than the one you have now think about your future, chase your dreams use your talents we all have one only you can bring your ideas to life. So do not make excuses do not just dream about success work for it your future self is begging you to

act now friends. thanks.

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