More do less talk - Informative


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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

More do less talk

More do less talk

no one wants to hear what you say you're gonna do we only want to see that you execute leadership is a mindset and a heart set.
less talk more execution less
chitchat more results develop a
monomaniacal focus on getting epic
things done develop a ridiculous acuity
to delivering results.  If you
deconstruct any great leader, any great
business person, any great athlete, any
great violinist, any great chess champion.
if you deconstruct the Oscar Wilde's in
the the great poets these people had a
monomaniacal focus to do the work
required to rise to genius genius isn't
genetics is not natural talent you have.
Impact on the world to live a beautiful,
life for your loved ones.
what are you being busy being busy are
you addicted to distraction which is the
death of your creative production are
you reciting excuses are you stuck in
the fast are you a card-carrying member
of the 95% are you doing the things that
will get you to world-class.
what do you need to do to become a hero
a hero in this organization, a hero on
your street, a hero to your customers,
because the world does need humans why

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