Positive self talks - Informative


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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Positive self talks

Positive self talks

Positive self talks
Positive self talks

                                            Did you know that the number of your emotions and behaviors have their roots in the subconscious portion of your mind. what is this subconscious? we are all aware of the conscious mind though we may not be able to control it fully. well yet the ideas desires aspirations aversions are perceived by us, there is another aspect which we are not even perceiving that is the subconscious it's like a huge hard drive in human brain containing images, memories, experience from infinite past lifetimes and they impact our personality in a tremendous way consider.

Subconscious working:
Subconscious mind
Subconscious mind 

well for example a women suffers from claustrophobia. this lady cannot understand why she has this abnormal fear of closed spaces the reason is when she was a four-year-old child, she went into a lift by herself the power went off and she was forced to remain in that lift for a full one and a half hours. well, now that was an experience of the conscious mind. The perceptions she was aware of at that time slowly the conscious memory faded away, but the experience remained in the subconscious mind or hard drive and that is why the moment she perceives the threat of a closed space she breaks into his and she can't figure out why is this claustrophobia happening with her. now here is the point to be understand it`s roots are in the subconscious mind.

working between subconscious and conscious: 

So let's try and understand how the conscious and subconscious communicate with each other compare them to workers on a ship who are in the engine room they have no access to see outside. The captain of the ship is on the deck and he barks out orders to the Mariners in the engine room step on the ass do this do that, they obediently obey. Now here is like the captain is our conscious mind and like the Mariners or workers in the engine room is the subconscious. Now with our conscious mind we speak and we forced to ourselves we experience perceptions and these go be within if.

Effects of self talks:

Self talks effects
Self talks effects 
For example somebody keeps on telling himself I'm useless. I can never succeed there is no way I can do this bad kind of self-talk programs the subconscious which then becomes convinced I can never win and every time a challenge appears the subconscious mind tells to the conscious mind you cannot do it. In this type of case this person has developed a defeatist mentality well how did that mentality come the subconscious because the subconscious  was programmed by his self-talk. So the self-talk that we do can program our inner being to our benefit or disadvantage. There are some people say self-talk do I talk to myself, i all the I have seen people talking to golf balls come on come on three feet left get it ah you made it, so when people talk to golf balls will they not talk to themselves all the time there's a mental chatter going on I am happy I am sad now. If we want our subconscious to work to our advantage then we will have to be very careful about the messages that we convey to it in our conscious mind. Hence the transformation of our inner subconscious requires the proper control of our conscious mind if we can utilize the potential of the student we will find that we can very easily program ourselves to be positive optimistic.

Hopeful cheerful and joyous these wonderful things will be very well within our reach if we can tap into the potential of the subconscious like this I have discussed many tools for inner growth and external success. Thank you 

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