Handel your Fear of Failure - Informative


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Friday, February 14, 2020

Handel your Fear of Failure

Handel your Fear of Failure

Handel your Fear of Failure:
 If you are going through a tough time read to this in the next few moments.  I want to share with you some reasons why you must remain resolute and keep going it.

Reason of Quit

you have probably heard this before that tough times did not last forever but, tough people do that held true. when you first know it and it still holds true today, there will come a time in your life where you may cry and feel like your soul is dying those days, when you struggle want to give up and do not want to face the world these are the days that define you do not quit.

Difficulties come to make you strong but that is only, when you make a decision to go on and you stand by it Abraham Lincoln said "I'm not concerned that you have fallen then concerned that you will rise giving up as human nature brought about by fear fear of what if I fail and try and then fail again"

would not it just be easier to just quit, but here is what is wrong with that when you give in to that fear you sentence yourself to a lifetime of failure a lifetime of regret a situation. Where you lose faith in yourself and in humanity, do not do that to yourself you must understand that, the difficult times will come there's absolutely nothing you can do about that what you can do however is decide. What you're going to do with the times life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it so you must decide to make a commitment to face it and deal with it because at the end of pain is success name what it is that is holding you back.

 Fear Hurts you

It may be fear perhaps it may be procrastination a relationship self-doubt or even it may be depression, whatever it is identify it you know you can if you think deeply about it now write it down this will put into perspective. What you have to deal with the real and big picture of your life will begin to become clear when you start paying attention to the tiniest details, start with identifying that, what is holding you back next, you have to let go of your anger and hate from the past this is to help you heal yourself you cannot be happy and productive if you hold on to old hurts let go of relationships and situations that are out of your control do not try to force it you will only end up hurting yourself some more your mental health is important as it guides every other aspect of your life.

Visualize your physical and spiritual life 

your physical life, your spiritual life they all become better when you maintain a very good and healthy mental state let go of your past fruit what is it that you want that out of life what is it? We all want something, what is my visualize that thing you deeply want and now ask yourself. How can i get it? when you visualize success against your fears your mind starts subconsciously building the will power and the skills you will need to achieve the results of that when you know and can visualize, what it is you do you want you have to prepare for it you have to think long term and then, educate yourself but more importantly you have to practice, practice and prepare  then practice for the steps that are to come in achieving your goals.

Trust on yourself

Chances are you are not going to be lucky or win the lottery but if you work hard and you never give up then you will succeed, it was.  in the 1920s when a journalist asked Thomas Edison how it felt to fail 1,000 times in his attempt to invent the incandescent light bulb he replied I did not fail thousand times the light bulb was an invention with a thousand steps that is the strength of will power and the desire to never quit. when you are failing what is amazing  then remember amazing is that there exists that phenomenal willpower in every single human only you can harness it. In your life you can go at it alone or you can go at it with companionship there is an old African says that if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far and feel the real joy and calmness thanks.

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